Overhead Press

Perfect for building Shoulders (Deltoids), Upper Chest (Upper Pectorals), Triceps, Upper Back & Core

Products to boost your performance

Recommended overhead press
variations you should try:

  • Barbell Overhead Press
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  • Push Press
  • Arnold Press
  • Military Press

Why doing it? Learn about some of the benefits:

  • Increases shoulder strength
  • Builds upper body muscle mass
  • Enhances core stability
  • Improves overhead lifting ability
  • Boosts overall athletic performance

Want to learn more?

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About Kraken products

Empower your performance, achieve your goals, and prioritize wellness with our products designed for the dedicated athlete in you.

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Satisfied Customers!

“Easy to adjust, compact, and sturdy. Very happy with this set of dumbbells. The advantage is that the dumbbell simply gets bigger or smaller when changing weights. Definitely recommended for the home gym.”
“Work perfectly; sturdy and solid. Good price for what you get, definitely recommended!”
“Works great, easy to adjust, sturdy construction, good stand, convenient for home training as it saves space and time, packaging/box was also sturdy thick cardboard.”
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