• Not satisfied? Always contact us first – there is a good chance that we can quickly offer a good solution.
  • You can return your order within 30 days of receipt.
  1. Send an e-mail to info@krakengym.com, to let us know what you want to return and why.
  2. You will receive a reply from us with instructions on how to return your item(s).
  1. The product must be returned to us in (as far as possible) original condition. Of course you can feel and view the product at home, as is normally possible in a physical store, but then pack it in the way you received it, in the original packaging.


  1. For any impairment that arises because you have used the item in a different way than you would in a store, we may charge a fee.
    Example: Using a weight vest during a workout or tearing open the original packaging and throwing it away would not be possible in a store.


  2. Report your return within 30 days of receiving your order and ship it according to within 14 days.

Contact us

Fast Shipping in EU

Orders processed within 1 working day, shipping varies per country

Easy 30 days returns

30 days money back guarantee

International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage

100% Secure Checkout

iDeal / MasterCard / Visa