
Perfect for building Hamstrings, Glutes, Lower Back, Quadriceps & Forearms

Products to boost your performance

Recommended deadlifts
variations you should try:

  • Conventional Deadlift
  • Sumo Deadlift
  • Romanian Deadlift
  • Stiff-Legged Deadlift
  • Trap Bar Deadlift

Why doing it? Learn about some of the benefits:

  • Increases overall body strength
  • Improves core stability
  • Enhances athletic performance
  • Boosts fat burning
  • Promotes muscle growth

Want to learn more?

Our Exclusive Selection!

About Kraken products

Empower your performance, achieve your goals, and prioritize wellness with our products designed for the dedicated athlete in you.

Elevate Your Game

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Satisfied Customers!

“Not only are they of excellent quality and perfect for my strength training, but the customer service was also outstanding. I initially had some doubts about the weight and considered returning them, but after contacting the seller, I received a quick, friendly, and helpful response.”
“Good quality weight plates. It's also very handy that the plates have multiple handles.”
“Good quality, good value for money, but a heavy gift for the receiver :)”
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