
Perfect for building Chest (Pectorals), Shoulders (Deltoids), Triceps, Core & Lower Back

Recommended push-ups
variations you should try:

  • Standard Push-ups
  • Diamond Push-ups
  • Incline Push-ups
  • Plyometric Push-ups
  • Archer Push-ups

Why doing it? Learn about some of the benefits:

  • Increases upper body strength
  • Enhances muscle definition
  • Improves core stability
  • Boosts overall fitness
  • Develops shoulder stability

Our Exclusive Selection!

About Kraken products

Empower your performance, achieve your goals, and prioritize wellness with our products designed for the dedicated athlete in you.

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Satisfied Customers!

“Very sturdy parallettes. I've been using them for a few weeks now, mainly for L-sit(to)handstand, and it's really nice that these parallettes sit a bit higher than some others on the market. With pushups, it's great that you can go a bit deeper, and even with a weight vest on, there's plenty of room without reducing the range of motion. I weigh 75 kg and use a 30 kg vest, and there's no sense that they might break at all.”
“Really sturdy parallettes with a nice thickness to the bars for holding.”
“These things are genuinely perfect! I am very critical, but they are precise to the millimeter. There is no play at all.”
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